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Video call on microsoft teams

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Type the name or names into the To field at the top of your new chat. Select Video call or Audio call. to start a call. From the top of your chat, tap to start either a Video Video call button or Audio Audio call button call. If you start the call from a group chat, you will be. Meet for free with Microsoft Teams. Download the Teams app to get free video conferencing, video calling, chat, file sharing, storage, and more. Guide: How to make video calls with Microsoft Teams? – Conference Call · 1. Open your Microsoft Teams program · 2. Open your calendar to schedule a new video.❿

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Video call on microsoft teams.Make a call in Microsoft Teams (free)

Type the name or names into the To field at the top of your new chat. Select Video call or Audio call. to start a call. From the top of your chat, tap to start either a Video Video call button or Audio Audio call button call. If you start the call from a group chat, you will be. Meet for free with Microsoft Teams. Download the Teams app to get free video conferencing, video calling, chat, file sharing, storage, and more. Guide: How to make video calls with Microsoft Teams? – Conference Call · 1. Open your Microsoft Teams program · 2. Open your calendar to schedule a new video.❿